Numerous printing applications are rapidly converting from conventional analog printing techniques, like offset lithography and roto-gravure, to digital technology such as drop-on-demand (DoD) inkjet. The most widely used techniques for designing industrial inkjet printheads is with piezo electric technology. The nozzles of these printheads produce ink drops when electric pulses are delivered to the piezoelectric structure which controls the shape of the nozzle. The nozzles behave like electric capacitors and the number of nozzles in a printhead being fired varies continuously. Therefore, the amplifier driving the printhead sees a very dynamic, capacitive load, which can be difficult for a discretely designed amplifier stage. Apex Microtechnology's MP and PA lines of power operational amplifiers are specifically designed to drive DoD inkjet printheads by meeting the power requirements and have high waveform fidelity independent of the varying load capacitance for superior print quality.